

Documents and instructions for our products

18 documents found

Declaration of conformity sun blinds
PDF [110 KB]
Download  [PDF 110 KB]
NGM20 (P2123) Rafter mount and extension
NGM20 (P2123) Rafter mount and extension
PDF  [454 KB]
DWG  [138 KB]
DXF  [464 KB]
PDF Download  [454 KB]
DWG Download  [138 KB]
DXF Download  [464 KB]
NGM20 (P2123) Wall and ceiling mount base plate
NGM20 (P2123) Wall and ceiling mount base plate
PDF  [506 KB]
DWG  [173 KB]
DXF  [591 KB]
PDF Download  [506 KB]
DWG Download  [173 KB]
DXF Download  [591 KB]
NGM20 (P2123) Installation on wall drop-down valance motor drive
NGM20 (P2123) Installation on wall drop-down valance motor drive
PDF  [1.4 MB]
DWG  [520 KB]
DXF  [1.8 MB]
PDF Download  [1.4 MB]
DWG Download  [520 KB]
DXF Download  [1.8 MB]
NGM20 (P2123) Installation on wall drop-down valance manual drive
NGM20 (P2123) Installation on wall drop-down valance manual drive
PDF  [1.1 MB]
DWG  [455 KB]
DXF  [1.6 MB]
PDF Download  [1.1 MB]
DWG Download  [455 KB]
DXF Download  [1.6 MB]
NGM20 (P2123) Ceiling mounting motor drive
NGM20 (P2123) Ceiling mounting motor drive
PDF  [1.2 MB]
DWG  [536 KB]
DXF  [1.8 MB]
PDF Download  [1.2 MB]
DWG Download  [536 KB]
DXF Download  [1.8 MB]
NGM20 (P2123) Ceiling mounting manual drive
NGM20 (P2123) Ceiling mounting manual drive
PDF  [1.0 MB]
DWG  [535 KB]
DXF  [1.8 MB]
PDF Download  [1.0 MB]
DWG Download  [535 KB]
DXF Download  [1.8 MB]
NGM20 (P2123) Rafter installation with rafter mount and extension motor drive
NGM20 (P2123) Rafter installation with rafter mount and extension motor drive
PDF  [1.4 MB]
DWG  [448 KB]
DXF  [1.5 MB]
PDF Download  [1.4 MB]
DWG Download  [448 KB]
DXF Download  [1.5 MB]
NGM20 (P2123) Rafter installation with rafter mount motor drive
NGM20 (P2123) Rafter installation with rafter mount motor drive
PDF  [1.1 MB]
DWG  [359 KB]
DXF  [1.2 MB]
PDF Download  [1.1 MB]
DWG Download  [359 KB]
DXF Download  [1.2 MB]